Inside reMarkable
Treating people fairly
Sustainability is about more than emissions. In addition to the environmental cost of production, there’s also a social aspect to consider, and it’s something our industry needs to keep working on.

Wherever people live, they deserve to work under fair conditions and be compensated fairly. The strict standards and agreements in place for the partners reMarkable works with outside Norway can be found here in our supplier code of conduct. This document contains detailed requirements around labor rights, health and safety, environment, and ethics, along with other standards designed to make sure the people involved in making reMarkable a reality are treated fairly, and in accordance with international expectations.
For example, here is a passage from the section on young workers:
"Child labor is not to be used in any stage of manufacturing. The term 'child' refers to any person under the age of 15, or under the age for completing compulsory education, or under the minimum age for employment in the country, whichever is greatest. Suppliers shall implement an appropriate mechanism to verify the age of workers. The use of legitimate workplace learning programs, which comply with all laws and regulations, is supported."

All reMarkable DMP (Direct Manufacturing Partner) suppliers have signed the code of conduct, and suppliers or partners unwilling to commit are excluded from the request for proposal (RFP) process. These DMP suppliers are our direct suppliers, while tier 1 suppliers usually supply our DMP suppliers. In late 2022, the code of conduct changed to make DMP suppliers responsible for ensuring their own suppliers follow the same agreement.
Potential suppliers are also screened with an ESG (environmental, social, and governance) due diligence tool, which is used to analyze potential risks while also serving as a platform for ongoing discussions with our partners on potential improvements.
"We think it’s important that the right requirements are established for a good starting point, and from there it’s about having ongoing discussions with our partners and working out where we can do better. It doesn’t work unless it’s a collaborative process."
– Magnus Gravem, VP Sustainability, reMarkable
At the time of publication, our production partners for reMarkable 2, Marker, Marker Plus, Folio, Book Folio, and associated packaging are located in Guangdong, China. Type Folio is also produced in China, in Jiangsu. The worldwide logistics center for reMarkable that handles distribution is located in Hong Kong, while there are logistics centers in Chihuahua, Mexico, and Kaunas, Lithuania.

For reMarkable Paper Pro the device is manufactured in Hanoi, Vietnam. The Folios and Markers for reMarkable Paper Pro are made in Guangdong, China, and the Type Folio is made in Jiangsu, China.
Given reMarkable is headquartered in Oslo, Norway, where our paper tablets and accessories are designed, we also operate in compliance with the Norwegian Transparency Act. In practice, this means we’re required to request information from our suppliers and partners about their approach to human rights and safe working conditions.
In addition to what’s required by Norwegian law, we also conduct further assessments on corruption, political stability, LGBTI rights, and gender equality.