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Helping Snapchat drive growth and productivity

‘reMarkable helps me get into the zone’: inside Snapchat’s paperless office, soaring productivity, and growing community

4 min read

Snapchat is huge in Norway. In fact, only Saudi Arabians use it more than Norwegians. It’s an impressive feat, especially given that Per Christian Strand Teslo was one of only two employees at Snapchat’s Oslo HQ five years ago.

As Head of Sales, Per Christian holds the overall responsibility for clients and manages their relationships, working mainly with media agencies and direct clients. And, as soon as we met, he corrected our assumption that Snapchat is solely a playground for Gen Z: ‘Snapchat has huge growth potential with the over 30s, which is the largest user group here in Norway. In fact, 60% of our users here are over 25.’

Saving time

While Snapchat’s thriving in the Norwegian market, Per Christian still has his work cut out. Every day is packed with meetings — and, inevitably, notes. Which is where reMarkable comes in. ‘For me, reMarkable is all about saving time, with a smoother workflow,’ says Per Christian. ‘I’ve always taken a lot of notes and reMarkable felt like a smart tool that would help me skip a lot of extra steps when rewriting my notes into emails.’

A tool for better thinking

For Per Christian, reMarkable is more than a time-saving device — it’s an aid for better thinking. ‘I find that I remember better when I'm taking notes by hand, especially during meetings. It enables me to clear my head and organize my thoughts — to gather and store ideas instantly, and keep them somewhere they won’t get lost.’

Annotating directly in presentations

When Per Christian first picked up a reMarkable, he thought the process of emailing notes to himself might be tricky, ‘but it’s just two taps and you’re good to go!’ He’s also found it useful for working on presentations with lots of participants and stakeholders. ‘Having them comment and draw directly on the relevant slide in the deck is great.’

Since then, lots of Per Christian’s Snapchat coworkers have asked for their own reMarkable. ‘What’s interesting is how we all use it so differently.’ he says. ‘Some of us use it creatively and conceptually with the sketch tool. Some of us tap into the organizing tools to keep on top of our workload. And others use all the features.’

Oh, and Per Christian’s wife is also on the reMarkable train. And, compared to him, she’s a power user. ‘She uses the various templates and folders and is very systemized on her reMarkable — with weekly planning and private activities, as well as signing contracts when needed.’

Now that most of the team has switched to reMarkable, Snapchat’s Oslo office has gone paperless. ‘I haven’t used paper since I got my reMarkable,’ says Per Christian, ‘which is a huge plus for me.’

As the printer gathers dust in a cupboard, Snapchat’s dominance in the Nordics continues to grow. In September 2023, the company reported that it had nine million monthly active users in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. We’re proud to play a small role in its success.

Per Christian’s favorite reMarkable features

  • Handwriting conversion
  • Send by email
  • Annotating documents

Want to explore how reMarkable can help your business? Learn more over on our reMarkable for business page, or book a free consultation with one of our business representatives.


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